May 03, 2024

Election-year restrictions

Due to election-year restrictions in Washington state law, this website will remain accessible but no new content, and no changes to existing content, will be posted to it until after the results of the November election are certified.
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March 07, 2024

Big day in Olympia

Greetings from Olympia, Today is the last day of the 2024 legislative session and it’s been eventful to say the least. As I mentioned in my last e-newsletter, the legislative majority finally listened to the people, kind of. Of the historic 6 initiatives to the Legislature, they decided to hold...
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March 06, 2024

Initiatives to the Legislature

No updates to this page will occur after March 7 until after the election in November. Fed up with destructive and burdensome policies pushed by the Democratic majority, citizens from around the state collected more than 2 million signatures to submit a historic 6 initiatives to the Legislature. All six...
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March 04, 2024

Fortunato introduces updated immigration cooperation bill amid border crisis

Amid a national frenzy over immigration during the Trump administration, Governor Jay Inslee signed an executive order that barred cooperation with federal immigration authorities for certain state agencies. Washington then became one of 11 “sanctuary states” with the passage of Senate Bill 5497 in 2019. That same year, Washington was...
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February 22, 2024

What’s happening in your state legislature?

Greetings from Olympia, There are just a couple of weeks left in the 2024 legislative session and it’s moving at a break-neck speed. I’d like to think that the state Legislature has convened to address some of the most pressing issues facing our state. Communities are still reeling from bad...
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February 14, 2024

Legislature fails domestic violence survivors, no path forward for needed reforms

Earlier in the 2024 legislative session, Sen. Phil Fortunato, domestic violence survivors and advocates held a news conference outlining stark problems in the state’s family courts.  The package of bills aimed to train judges, provide more protections for abuse victims – mostly women and children – and set improved standards...
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February 07, 2024

Senators denounce bill to raise property taxes – vote expected Thursday

The Washington Senate is poised to approve a bill Thursday that would allow the annual growth in property taxes to triple, flouting the will of Washington voters who approved a cap on property taxes in 2001. Republican senators say they plan to raise stiff opposition when the bill comes to...
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January 19, 2024

Fortunato, local and national advocates push family court reforms

Flanked by victims and advocates at a news conference in Olympia on Thursday, state Sen. Phil Fortunato outlined his vision to reform the state’s failing family courts. Included in the package are bills aimed at training judges, providing more protections for abuse victims – mostly women and children – and...
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January 09, 2024

Fortunato bill would establish biology-based rules for school sports competitions

State Sen. Phil Fortunato is seeking to create a middle path that protects biological women in sports while allowing transgender athletes to continue competing. Senate Bill 6116 would do away with women’s and men’s sports, instead relying on biological sex to determine how athletes compete in schools. “This is about...
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January 03, 2024

It’s almost time for the 2024 legislative session

Friends, I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I’ve been busy preparing for the 2024 legislative session which begins in just under a week. In preparation, I finished the year strong, meeting with constituents in our district and attending a variety of conferences and workshops to help me better...
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