It’s an honor to serve as your state Senator for the 31st District. I am here to work for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact me anytime with your concerns about state government. If you are being personally affected by a state agency, I will be glad to help you get the assistance you need. And I’m not afraid to “bang on someone’s desk” (figuratively) if that’s what it takes to get the job done. Por favor, no dude ponerse en contacto conmigo en español y me avisan si le gustaría recibir mi boletín en español.
Want to visit me in Olympia during session? Just let me know. Call my office 360-786-7660 to check my availability.
Senator Phil
Undermining Parents’ Rights
The Legislature is back in session
Fortunato Gets Jump Start on Trump’s Deportation Plan
Big day in Olympia
Initiatives to the Legislature
Fortunato introduces updated immigration cooperation bill amid border crisis
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I'm Here to Serve You
A representative government only works when those represented take an active part in the process. I'm here to serve you, and your direct input helps me do my job better. Please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail, phone or by mail, or make an appointment to see me in person. I look forward to hearing from you!