March 05, 2020

Fortunato introduces property tax constitutional amendment

Recent changes in the state’s property tax, added pressures from local tax levies and rising home values mean more people are struggling to pay their property taxes. That is why state Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, and the Senate Republican Caucus are pushing to amend the state’s constitution to restructure Washington’s...
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March 05, 2020

Nearing the end of the 2020 session

Greetings from Olympia, It’s been awhile since I last sent out an update but have tried to keep folks apprised of what’s happening in Olympia via my legislative Facebook. You may have noticed that in our first round of voting in the Senate, I was marked ‘excused.’ A couple of weeks...
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February 28, 2020

Senate proposal needlessly starving transportation infrastructure

Democratic leaders on the Senate Transportation Committee unveiled their funding proposal this week to deal with what they’re calling the “I-976 crisis” and to restart delayed transportation projects. I offered the following statement to the press. “I supported this supplemental budget, but it’s really just a band-aid. It is needlessly...
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February 03, 2020

Fortunato’s $30 car tab legislation to receive public hearing

Before the 2020 legislative session, state Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, advocated for a special session to address the $30 car tab legal challenge that placed the needed tax-relief measure on hold. Now, Fortunato’s “clean” bill to avoid single-subject concerns that precipitated the Initiative 976 lawsuit will receive a public hearing...
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January 31, 2020

The 2020 session is underway

Greetings from Olympia, It has been a busy three weeks in Olympia. Early on, the Senate took to the floor to push through legislation that was left over from last session. Unfortunately, not much of what was passed will help address the pressing issues of homelessness, rising costs of health...
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January 31, 2020

Announcing the Tax Watchdog Committee

Last year, legislative Democrats approved $26 billion in new taxes over the next decade. One the proposals in that package included an increase in the regressive business and occupation (B&O) tax on everything from health-care providers to housing services. Despite the state Department of Revenue indicating the bill violates four...
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January 30, 2020

More Verbal Camouflage – Tax Increases are now Reforms

It’s verbal camouflage. Just like Initiative 976 that is tied up in the courts because of a “confusing” title, the Senate just approved a bill over my objection that “reforms” the state’s regressive business & occupation tax. What it really did is just make sure more small businesses are paying...
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January 29, 2020

Fortunato proposal ices Seattle winter eviction ban

State Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, has introduced legislation, Senate Bill 6651, to preempt efforts by local jurisdictions that undo the state’s carefully crafted landlord tenant laws concerning evictions. In an extraordinary and arguably unconstitutional move, a Seattle City Council committee approved a policy sponsored by Seattle City Council Member Kshama...
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January 28, 2020

More Gun Control?

On the news of the recent shootings in Seattle, some are reflexively saying ‘we need more gun control!’ They skip over the fact that the 2 criminals had 65 arrests but were still on the streets. What can be done? I’ve got some answers.
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January 22, 2020

More than Just Money

  Read more about my Housing & Homelessness Package here.
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