Fortunato dismayed by report about response to ‘PPE’ gift from Republic of China
Senator wonders why governor didn’t personally meet with Taiwanese envoys Representatives from the government of Taiwan Friday delivered hundreds of thousands of masks that will be given to medical workers and first responders working to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Washington. Sen. Phil Fortunato said what should have...
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Update from Olympia – Holding Government Accountable
Greetings Friends, Although the Legislature is not in session, I’m still working hard for you. I’ve been hearing a lot from constituents asking what we as legislators are doing to push back on the governor’s executive actions. That has been challenging – because we are not in session, we can’t...
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Living by the Constitution
As a Senator, I can produce some materials that help inform my constituents. One thing I’ve done is print some pocket constitutions that folks can take with them when they visit my office in Olympia. I wrote a forward and have uploaded it here for your to read. I take...
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Fortunato makes second call for Special Session
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, I’ve had serious concerns about how the governor was implementing our state’s response. Initially, we did the right thing and came together to stop the spread of the virus. However, I took exception when the administration started picking economic winners and losers with...
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If government gets to build, so should everyone else
Sen. Phil Fortunato sent a letter to the governor demanding that the state reconsider how businesses are deemed essential. The impacts of stopping private construction is devastating to workers and their families, to the industry and will have significant impacts on the state’s budget.
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Tiny Homes
During the 2019 legislative session, addressing our state’s housing affordability crisis was paramount. Unfortunately, the only solutions that were adopted nibbled around the edges of the problem and in some cases made the problem worse with new taxes on housing. The Tacoma News Tribune lauded efforts to expand tiny homes...
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Tolls: Transportation’s New Opioid
Opioid addiction is a problem in our state. People are sucked in all the time, needing more and more to get their fix with disastrous outcomes. Our state is headed down that path, and we need an intervention. After a 21-month study, we now know tolling State Route 167 will...
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My take on the end of the legislative session
I recently mailed this newsletter below with my take on the end of the 2019 legislative session. Click here or on the image to read the entire newsletter about work I’m doing for you. I discuss our state’s transportation future, the budget, education and much more. It is an honor serving you, Phil Fortunato, ...
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The Impending Congestion Crisis
While much attention is being paid to the development of the state’s two-year operating budget, there are other troubling policies working their way through the Legislature in the final days of the 2019 legislative session. As concerning as billions more in general tax increases are, there is a looming, self-imposed...
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Senate Democrats take away self-defense rights from domestic violence victims
Majority Democrats in the state Senate on Thursday approved House Bill 1225, which would require law enforcement officers to remove lawfully owned firearms when responding to a domestic violence call. The proposal would prohibit return of any firearms seized in such a response for five business days. Sen. Phil Fortunato,...
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