Tag Archives: Taxpayers

That didn’t take long – News from Olympia

January 16, 2018


Due to election year restrictions, I will be limited in how I can communicate with you about what is going on in Olympia. Please be sure to subscribe to my newsletter if you already haven’t. You can also unsubscribe at anytime. Feel free to share this with others that live in our district.

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swearing inFriends, 

It was a busy first week of the 2018 legislative session. We convened the session this past Monday and it was eventful, to say the least. Climate activists interrupted the opening ceremonies and Democrats who now control the Senate were unable to adopt their own rules for the session. Protecting taxpayers will be a tough job this year. It was no surprise that Democrats removed the Senate rule requiring a 2/3 vote to pass tax legislation.

Before the legislative session, I sent out a survey asking for your priorities this year. Thank you to everyone who participated. I have put together the results so that you can see what our community thinks I should be focusing on. Please click here to view the results.

Protecting your rights

Gun rights


I am very concerned that the privacy of law-abiding citizens will be infringed. I predicted before the session that anti-gun legislators who now control all levels of state government could be problematic for gun owners in our state. The fact that a state agency is seeking guidance on whether they can share private information when state law is clear necessitates legislative action.

Senate Bill 6173 would clarify state disclosure laws concerning information of concealed pistol license holders. The state Department of Licensing recently asked the less-than-gun-friendly state attorney general for guidance on whether the personal information of concealed pistol license holders is subject to the state’s public disclosure laws. Read more…

I am standing firm protecting your gun rights. The proposed bump stock ban is just camouflage for semi-auto and trigger job bans.

It’s an honor to serve as your state Senator. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns about your state government.


Fortunato Signature

Phil Fortunato,

Your 31st District State Senator

Contact Me:

Mail: PO Box 40431 Olympia, WA 98504

Olympia Office: 201 Irv Newhouse Building Olympia, WA 98504

Phone: (360) 786-7660

Email: Phil.Fortunato@leg.wa.gov


Committee assignments

In the 2018 legislative session, I will serve on the Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee and the Senate’s Transportation Committee.

Government guide

We have updated the 31st Legislative District government guide to make it easy for you to contact your federal, state and local officials. It’s a one-stop tool that gives you the phone numbers, emails and information you need for everything from schools and senior centers to members of Congress and the President.

You can access the online version of the guide anytime by clicking here or you can call my office for a physical copy while supplies last.

Finding government waste

 Everybody knows government wastes money. The question is where is the waste? That’s why I introduced legislation that would reward state employees with a sizable bonus for finding government waste.

Senate Bill 6332 would reestablish the state productivity board, also referred to as the employee involvement and recognition board. They would be tasked with developing an employee suggestion incentive program. State employees could be eligible for bonuses for suggestions generating net savings, revenue or both. Read more…

        Taxpayer Relief          from ST3

Now that Democrats are in control of the Legislature, relief from outrageous car tab fees is unlikely. In fact, the latest proposals will do anything but help those struggling to afford the steep increases. A bill being championed by Democrats creates payment plans and actually increases the car tab costs! While some in Olympia are working to protect Sound Transit, I am fighting for you. Click here to read a recent article on this issue.