Tag Archives: Rally

Fortunato says Breaching Governor’s Mansion Grounds ‘sends wrong message’

State Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, issued the following statement on the news of today’s events in Olympia.

“If you believe in the Constitution, as I do, the behavior witnessed today in Olympia is unhelpful to those of us working to protect our rights.

While I support the open carry of firearms as protected by state law, using them as a prop and flaunting this right, sends the wrong message. Whatever point today’s demonstrators were trying to make is lost on the general public.

We have a right to demonstrate in front of the Capitol Building to send a message. You may disagree with the Governor’s actions or consider them infringements or violations of our personal rights as I do. However, breaching his private residence doesn’t send a message of policy disapproval rather it communicates a personal threat. Those are two different things.

I encourage the exercising of our rights. Want to have a rally and demonstrate? I’m there with you, but not to violate someone’s personal space in a threating manner.”