Second Amendment Watch

I want to thank everyone for sharing their concerns and any efforts being made to slow or stop these unnecessary infringements on law-abiding citizens. Here is a brief update on where some of these proposals are in the legislative process. I share the frustration and oppose efforts to further restrict our constitutional rights. I’ve argued that these measures will do nothing to protect the public, our schools, or reduce crime. Problems with gun violence in Washington are not due to law abiding citizens, they are caused by criminals with guns they already are not legally allowed to have.

When I stand up for your Second Amendment rights, I am standing up for mine as well.  I am doing everything in my power to slow the progress of these bad pieces of legislation. Given the makeup of the Legislature, stopping them altogether may not be possible, but I will voice your concerns and the concerns of many who have contacted me and my colleagues in opposition to this and other gun-related legislation.

Our state already has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation but the problem is that the legislative majority has pushed through bad policies that shield criminals from prosecution, hamper our law enforcement from doing their jobs, and treat violent offenders who use firearms with kid gloves.

House bills:

Senate Bills:

  • SB 5078 (Passed the Senate) would create liability for gun manufacturers and dealers that would basically make them uninsurable in our state. This proposal was approved by the policy committee with 1563 signing in support and 2775 testifiers opposed. It had a public hearing in the budget committee Jan. 31 where 657 signed in Pro and  886 testifiers Con. No further action has been taken yet.
  • SB 5193 (Died in Committee) which is being referred to an an “assault weapons” ban.
  • SB 5265 (Died in Committee) Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety..
  • SB 5446 (Died in Committee) would allow local jurisdictions to create their own gun laws, which is currently preempted by state law.

Engaging with your Legislature

The 2023 legislative session is under way and while we are meeting in person at the state Capitol, you can still participate remotely in a meaningful way. I want to be sure you have access to your government. Below are resources on how you can provide input on bills and keep apprised of what’s happening in Olympia.

Overview of how to testify remotely:

(Don’t want to speak? You can sign-in “Pro or Con” not wishing to testify.)

General information on how to sign in to testify remotely before a Senate committee:

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You can also search for legislation by bill number or by keywords and text of a proposal. Click here for more information