Fortunato makes second call for Special Session
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, I’ve had serious concerns about how the governor was implementing our state’s response. Initially, we did the right thing and came together to stop the spread of the virus. However, I took exception when the administration started picking economic winners and losers with...
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COVID-19 and Washington’s Economic Outlook
Today, I had a briefing on how COVID-19 is impacting the state’s economy. The state’s Chief Economist unsurprisingly delivered some pretty devastating news. You can read the full report by clicking here.
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Tax Watchdog Alert – Spending Cuts Needed
Sen. Phil Fortunato explains why the state needs to cut spending, now! Washington state’s COVID-19 response will leave the state budget in tatters come January. Hopefully leaders will do the right thing
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If government gets to build, so should everyone else
Sen. Phil Fortunato sent a letter to the governor demanding that the state reconsider how businesses are deemed essential. The impacts of stopping private construction is devastating to workers and their families, to the industry and will have significant impacts on the state’s budget.
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Fortunato calls on Governor to keep firearms businesses open – closure violates Constitution
March 27, 2020 Jay Inslee Office of the Governor PO Box 40002 Olympia, WA 985004-0002 Governor Inslee, I call on you to immediately amend your March 23, 2020, “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order to include firearm-related businesses and shooting ranges in the list of businesses and industries in...
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Stay Home, Stay Healthy
Greetings Friends and Neighbors, I hope that you are doing well and staying safe and healthy. I have urgent news to share regarding the state’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. While most Washingtonians have been doing their part to take personal precautions, the spread and severity of this virus is...
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Fortunato introduces property tax constitutional amendment
Recent changes in the state’s property tax, added pressures from local tax levies and rising home values mean more people are struggling to pay their property taxes. That is why state Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, and the Senate Republican Caucus are pushing to amend the state’s constitution to restructure Washington’s...
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Nearing the end of the 2020 session
Greetings from Olympia, It’s been awhile since I last sent out an update but have tried to keep folks apprised of what’s happening in Olympia via my legislative Facebook. You may have noticed that in our first round of voting in the Senate, I was marked ‘excused.’ A couple of weeks...
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Senate proposal needlessly starving transportation infrastructure
Democratic leaders on the Senate Transportation Committee unveiled their funding proposal this week to deal with what they’re calling the “I-976 crisis” and to restart delayed transportation projects. I offered the following statement to the press. “I supported this supplemental budget, but it’s really just a band-aid. It is needlessly...
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Fortunato’s $30 car tab legislation to receive public hearing
Before the 2020 legislative session, state Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, advocated for a special session to address the $30 car tab legal challenge that placed the needed tax-relief measure on hold. Now, Fortunato’s “clean” bill to avoid single-subject concerns that precipitated the Initiative 976 lawsuit will receive a public hearing...
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