Author Archives: Laudan

Week 2 Update – Virtual Town Hall

The second week of the 2021 legislative is coming to an end. As promised, I’d like to connect with you personally to provide an update and get your insights. So, I’m hosting another virtual town hall and if timing permits, I’m hoping to hold an informal discussion every two weeks during session. Join me this Friday evening.

Join here!

Meeting ID: 932 2745 3875

Passcode: 289423

Or Telephone:

Dial: (253) 215 8782

Passcode: 289423

Fortunato bill seeks relief for families from school taxes

Most of Washington’s public schools have been closed to in-person learning for nearly a year, forcing countless families to struggle at balancing work and childcare in addition to ensuring their children are learning remotely. State Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, sees the massive shift in how schools operate as a reason to bring fairness to the state tax code. His Senate Bill 5257 would exempt property owners from state and local school levies if their students are homeschooled or attend a private school.

“We’ve seen significant changes in how people are educating their children,” said Fortunato. “More and more parents have chosen to homeschool or send their students to private schools in the wake of this pandemic, and because of recent policy decisions on mandatory sex-ed policies. “Since the state is not living up to its obligation to provide basic education, parents are forced to pick up the slack, which is hitting family budgets. This bill will provide some financial relief and provide the children with the education they deserve.”

Projections indicate Washington’s public-school enrollment has declined by as much as 5 percent, equal to about 50,000 students. That has saved the state roughly $500 million this fiscal year alone, not including an additional $600 million in savings from reduced transportation costs.

Despite an economic downturn tied to the pandemic, and dire predictions for the 2021-23 budget made in mid-2020, state revenue growth is expected to remain positive. The state’s already bloated spending level could grow by an additional 7 percent without new taxes. Even so, and despite the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic, Fortunato noted, the Legislature’s majority Democrats are still pursuing more taxes to further boost state spending.

“The state’s budget is in good shape. We can afford to give parents some timely tax relief instead of growing government even more,” Fortunato said. “They can use those resources to help their children get the education they deserve – something the state is failing to do.”

Legislature Convenes for 2021


If you are a first-time home buyer, I hope you can testify on my American Dream Home bill (SB 5189) Tuesday Jan. 19 at 8:00 am. You can register to testify here if you’d like to testify remotely or just list your support (Pro) or opposition (Con) to the bill to the committee using the same link.

The bill would eliminate government impact fees and reduce permit costs to bring down the cost of an entry level home by as much as $60,000, saving about $280 per month in mortgage payments.

Greetings Friends and Neighbors,

It has been an eventful start to the 2021 legislative session. The first week is generally reserved for ceremonial aspects of the Legislature like swearing in officials, speeches, and the like. Much of that still occurred, although we are meeting mostly remotely under what I’d consider undemocratic rules that shut out the minority’s voice and limit the public’s engagement with their government.

I fought against the adoption of such rules in the Senate that bar the public from in-person participation. While I agree that digital access to legislative proceedings does expand access in some ways, in others it makes it more difficult. That is particularly true when the governor completely barricades the Capitol Campus with fences and the armed National Guard.

Already, there are significant policies moving forward, such as the governor’s climate scheme that will increase fuel costs, and a new proposal to implement a type of state income tax.

While the state is doing well concerning tax collections, the majority is bent on raising taxes during a time when businesses are being forced to close, and families are struggling. I think that is the wrong thing to do.

I encourage you to stay involved during this challenging legislative session. Know that I am working as hard as I can to represent you and bring your voice to the proceedings in Olympia.

Staying Connected

Town Hall

We’ve had some great success reaching people in the district via virtual town halls. I’ve held two so far. I made the commitment to do more during the session so that you can get the news on what’s happening straight from the source and so I can get your input directly. So, I’ll be holding another virtual town hall next week on Friday, Jan. 22. Please keep your calendar open. More details to come.

Capitol restrictions are hypocritical

Security remained tight at the state Capitol for the opening of the 2021 legislative session. The Capitol Campus was fenced off from the public over the weekend after demonstrators had trespassed onto the grounds of Gov. Jay Inslee’s official residence Jan. 6. The governor also had called hundreds of armed National Guard and State Patrol to be present, effectively preventing other protests or demonstrations.

The people have a right to access their government, to protest, or be present for the deliberations of the Legislature.

The points I made in my floor speech are that for 10 months my constituents have been asking for my help to do something. We are finally in session, and the first thing the majority did was to give our authority away to the Governor. I’ve contended that since May this is no longer an emergency, it is a crisis that needs to be managed with legislative oversight. Ceding legislative authority to the Governor takes away my ability to represent you.

Watch my floor speech here. 

It’s not necessarily the proclamations

The discussion around emergency proclamations has been overshadowed by the more controversial mandates by the governor that have ruined our state’s economy and hurt Washington families. However, some of these are good policies, like those to protect privacy, reduce regulatory burdens, and provide tax relief. That is why I’ve introduced legislation to make those permanent.

The recent passage of SCR 8402 takes us down the wrong path because it removes a necessary check on the governor’s power via the Legislature.

Find out more.

Want to help open up Washington?

There is a bipartisan proposal, Senate Bill 5114, that would allow for all businesses affected by the governor’s shutdown to reopen safely and immediately under the standards of Phase 2. There will be a hearing on this legislation Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 8 a.m.

If you are interested in lending your voice to this conversation, I welcome it. I’ve co-sponsored the bill.

You can testify remotely from your computer by following this link. It will take you to the testimony sign up page. The window closes one hour before the start of the hearing.

Please feel free to share this information with your family, friends, colleagues, and coworkers.

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Log in and create an account to customize reports, manage personal bill tracking lists, and more. 

It is an honor to serve you and my office is here to help you with any questions you may have about your state government.


Fortunato Signature

Phil Fortunato,

Your 31st District State Senator

Fortunato introduces legislation to make some emergency proclamations permanent

Senator slams Democrat effort to sideline legislative oversight

On Wednesday the state Senate’s majority party approved a measure which would extend many of Gov. Jay Inslee’s emergency proclamations indefinitely, and take away the opportunity for continued legislative oversight.

Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, believes some of the policies should extend beyond the governor’s state of emergency. He has introduced Senate Bill 5113 to make permanent the proclamations that are taxpayer- and business-friendly, and took time during the Senate debate to chide his colleagues for ceding the Legislature’s authority.

“The discussion around emergency proclamations has been overshadowed by the more controversial mandates by the governor that have ruined our state’s economy and hurt Washington families,” Fortunato said. “However, some of these are good policies like those to protect privacy, reduce regulatory burdens, and provide tax relief. That is why I’ve introduced legislation to make those permanent.”

Fortunato argues that the proposal, rammed through the Senate on a caucus-line vote, goes too far by removing a necessary check on executive overreach.

“For 10 months my constituents have been asking for help, asking for us to do something,” Fortunato said. “We are finally in session, finally here and the first thing the majority wants to do is give our authority away. It’s madness. I’ve contended since May that there is no emergency. What we have is a crisis that needs to be managed.”

The measure was approved 28-19 and now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Floor Speech on SCR 8402

Inslee’s restrictions on Capitol Campus are hypocritical, says Fortunato

Security remained tight at the state Capitol for yesterday’s opening of the 2021 legislative session. The Capitol Campus was fenced off from the public over the weekend after demonstrators had trespassed onto the grounds of Gov. Jay Inslee’s official residence Jan. 6. The governor also had called hundreds of armed National Guard and police to be present, effectively preventing other protests or demonstrations.

State Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, condemned the recent incident at the governor’s private residence but called the response unnecessary and hypocritical.

“The people have a right to access their government, to protest, or be present for the deliberations of the Legislature,” said Fortunato. “Shutting ‘the people’ out when they have a right to be here is an affront to the democratic process, plain and simple. The governor’s response is unnecessary for what turned out to be a handful of protesters.

“Erecting fences to keep the public out and meeting them with an armed presence is just hypocritical considering how portions of the largest city in our state were taken over by armed protesters this summer. Remember how those events resulted in murders yet the whole uprising was ‘news to him.’ There was no such presence when far-left demonstrators have disrupted the Capitol Building. Now taxpayers, who pay legislators’ salaries, cannot access their government. It’s unacceptable.”

Fortunato says Breaching Governor’s Mansion Grounds ‘sends wrong message’

State Sen. Phil Fortunato, R-Auburn, issued the following statement on the news of today’s events in Olympia.

“If you believe in the Constitution, as I do, the behavior witnessed today in Olympia is unhelpful to those of us working to protect our rights.

While I support the open carry of firearms as protected by state law, using them as a prop and flaunting this right, sends the wrong message. Whatever point today’s demonstrators were trying to make is lost on the general public.

We have a right to demonstrate in front of the Capitol Building to send a message. You may disagree with the Governor’s actions or consider them infringements or violations of our personal rights as I do. However, breaching his private residence doesn’t send a message of policy disapproval rather it communicates a personal threat. Those are two different things.

I encourage the exercising of our rights. Want to have a rally and demonstrate? I’m there with you, but not to violate someone’s personal space in a threating manner.”

Another Virtual Town Hall

Last month I held a first-of-its-kind virtual town hall. It was a big success. We had a nice size crowd and were able to have an open discussion on a lot of great topics from transportation to taxes, COVID response and more.

It was such a hit, that I’m hosting another one to really focus on the upcoming legislative session that will start this coming Monday, Jan. 11. Please spread the word in our district. I take my job seriously of representing all my constituents in the 31st District, but that can’t happen if I don’t hear from you. I’m looking forward to speaking with you this Friday.

Please click the link below to join the webinar on the day of:

Join here!
Meeting ID: 959 0973 0399
Passcode: 696068

Or Telephone:
Dial: (253) 215-8782
Passcode: 696068

Join me for a Virtual Town Hall

I’ve received a great deal of emails regarding a wide range of topics affecting you. As we prepare for the upcoming legislative session, I want to have a dialogue about your priorities, what I’m working on, and what you think I should be focusing on for our district. I’m looking forward to speaking with you this Friday.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Join here!

Passcode: 895202

Or Telephone:

    Dial: 1 (253) 215 8782

Webinar ID: 973 9586 1409

Passcode: 895202

Legislative enabling allows Inslee continued “authoritarian” rule says Fortunato about COVID response

Devastating impacts to state economy underscore need for special legislative session

Over the weekend, Gov. Jay Inslee announced a rollback of the progress on reopening Washington’s economy with renewed restrictions on small businesses in a modified lockdown right before the winter holidays. Among the changes are a slashing of retail capacity and the closure of in-person dining to stem an uptick of COVID-19 infections. State Sen. Phil Fortunato is contending that the latest restrictions don’t follow the science considering infection data and that the Legislature must assert itself.

“The Legislature needs to step up and assert its authority by not agreeing to any proclamations no matter how good they sound,” said Fortunato. “I haven’t voted to approve a proclamation since May, but too many are giving away our branch of government’s leverage and enabling this to continue. If just one of the four caucuses don’t agree, Inslee can’t keep extending his emergency powers.

“Of the data I have seen, restaurants and shopping aren’t where the infections are happening. It doesn’t make any sense to target these already battered industries right before the holidays. This could mean tens of thousands more Washingtonians will be out of work with no help from the state. It’s mean-spirited and unscientific.”

In a news conference, Inslee indicated that the state would be mounting some response to help those affected, but Fortunato, R-Auburn, points out that legislative input is desperately needed. For months he has called for a special legislative session, yet Inslee has resisted and chosen instead to govern through proclamations. Fortunato points out that legislators’ continued approval of proclamations has enabled Inslee to continue his “authoritarian” rule.

“The governor should not be allowed to continue to unilaterally make these kinds of decisions,” Fortunato said. “The job of appropriating money is the Legislature’s role. The lack of engagement with us has resulted in these kind of nonsense regulations that will put people up a creek without a paddle. Hoping the U.S. Congress will step in is not a plan.”